Shadow People

Here it is! This is what began the inspiration for my 4th year collection. This is the video I made which was the end result for the commercial portfolio class. The research began with optical illusions that can be seen at Camera Obscura. While on a visit there I noticed one of their interactive exhibits, you strike a pose against a wall then push a button on the wall which makes the camera on the other side of the room flash and when you move your shadow is captured on the wall behind you. It's really cool! Anyway I wanted to use this idea for commercial portfolio and started thinking how this illusion can be transferred and interpreted in fashion. So here is the video I made to portray the idea without totally spelling it out.

P.S Now that the research stage is basically over for the collection and we are moving onto finalizing the designs very soon, there will be updates coming soon showing some of my research and the direction I've decided to take the collection in.

Shadow People

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