Kerrie Alexander's Summer Project Outfit

What Kerrie had to say about her outfit.

"I would describe my outfit as a bit of a MISH-MASH. I spotted the trouser fabric in a shop a while back and really liked it so I swung by to pick some up once I heard about this project. It just developed from there. I have used a similar pattern for the trousers as I have used for a previous pair I made. I suppose baggy, loose, oversized are elements that I would consider part of my design aesthetic.
The jacket was made from a hand-me down baby blanket and material that had been wrapped around a bouquet of flowers for presentation purposes. The story of the blanket caused a bit of hilarity for the family as to cut a long story short this blanket had been brought over as a gift for someone from America, it was then took to a car boot sale in an attempt to get rid of it which obviously proved a struggle and so on and so on. The blanket finally landed itself into my Gran Newton’s hands and was then passed onto my big cousin Lisa for baby Penny. After all this malarkey I ended up snaffling it from Lisa after saying I liked the fabric and here the story ends! I turned up at my Gran’s for a coffee with my mum and she couldn’t stop laughing when my Gran said that she liked the coat without realising where it has actually came from haha. I do love a nice little tale behind a garment. I hope Penny isn't bitter about it; I was literally stealing from a baby. Maybe I can keep it for years and hand it back down to Penny one of these days! Here are some more snaps for a closer look."

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