The Magazine... The Last Post

I never posted yesterday, wanted a day of rest and what better day than a Sunday, it being the Sabbath and all that. Anyway it has finally come... the last post in the series of the magazine content. So here it is! Hope you all enjoy!

 Rick Owens Article
 Aitor Throup Title Page
 Aitor Throup Article
Aitor Throup Article

The Magazine... Almost There

I've split the rest of the content into two groups of four to post it more evenly but after this post only one more to go! So to see the last of the content and finally get the chance to see it all together came back to this space tomorrow.

 Fashion Animals Article
 Fashion Animals Photo Shoot
 Fashion Animals Photo Shoot
Rick Owens Article

The Magazine Continued... Again

The next day has arrived so it is time to add the next six spreads from the magazine. There is still three days left to go until all the content will be posted, you should all know the drill by now... So keep watching this space!

 Shadow People Photo Shoot
 Rook Floro Article
 Rook Floro Spread
 Manifesto Subliminal Advertisement
 Post Apocalyptic Fashion
 End of The World Spread

The Magazine Continued

Here is today's post of the next six spreads from the magazine. There is still more to come so keep watching this space!

 Abomination Photo Shoot
 Manifesto Article
 Abomination Perfume Advertisement
 Slogan T-shirt Photo Shoot
 Slogan T-shirt Advertisement
Shadow People Photo Shoot

The Final Magazine

Well today was the hand in for the magazine so I thought I would show some of the pages from the finalised version of the mag. Over the next few days I'll be posting the other pages. So watch this space!

 Front Cover
 Contents Page
 Patricia Piccinini Title Page
 Patricia Piccinini Article
 Patricia Piccinini Article
Abomination Photo Shoot

Abomination Photo Shoot

Here are some images of photo shoots that I pulled off the internet and worked in to them on photoshop to create the look of an abomination styled shoot to be used as content in the magazine. I think they came out really well and look awesome!

2012 Menswear Collection Toile Walkthrough

Here are some photo's taken by Mark Timmins at the walkthrough of the toiles for the collection that happened on Thursday. This was the first time I finally got the chance to see what the collection could/will look like once the garments are made in the final chosen fabrics. I was worried that the colours of the toile fabric would throw off the look of the collection and not do it any justice but once the outfits were on the models and lined up side by side I was really pleased and relieved! There are a few adjustments to make to a couple of the garments but nothing really major or drastic was wrong with it. The feedback given was amazing, very positive and complimentary which I was also pleased and relieved with as I basically took a big risk trying to push and achieve something so different and a bit out there. Can't wait to get making the actual collection now. SO EXCITED! :)

 Collection Toiles (Front)
 Collection Toiles (Back)
Collection Toiles (Side)

Shadow People Photo Shoot

It's been a while since my last post but this is the first time I've sat at the computer where I didn't have anything more important to do (even though I still have plenty of things to do but, SHHH!) or have a few spare minutes on it! I'll have allot more stuff to post after the 16th (the last deadline, YIPEE!) and all the work is tweaked to be ready for submission and then posted on here. But anyhoo lets get the ball rolling!

Here are some photos I shot with the help of my good friend Kerrie Alexander. This shoot is to be used for content in the magazine which will show where all the research began and how over the course of the semester has developed into new ideas. Bringing to you... Shadow People!