Magazine Ads & Articles

Since the magazine has to reflect our them and mood of the collection I've used some of the imagery I have already created for the collection in the magazine. Which comes in the form of a perfume A3 advertisement spread, a subliminal message A3 advertisement spread, an article on the style and look of Rick Owen's collections (which has influenced my collection in away) and and an article of the full original manifesto.

Now that I've used all the imagery I've already created, that only leaves to do an article with all the manifesto slogan t-shirt images from the shoot. So that means after that it's all new shoots and probably all new imagery created from those shoots too. So it's very exciting creating fresh work and moving the the mood and theme of the magazine further... and who knows! I might come up with something really cool to be used in the collection in someway.

 Magazine Perfume A3 Advertisement Spread
 Magazine Subliminal Message A3 Advertisement Spread
Magazine Rick Owen's Article
 Magazine Manifesto Article

Manifesto Slogan T-shirt Shoot

Here are some of the final shots and the bloopers from the shoot of the manifesto slogan t-shirt. Even the successful photos just look like me running about like a creep in the uni car park. Who am I kidding I loved doing it!

Magazine Mock Up

Well I've already posted the image of the magazine front cover mock up but I have now completed the first mock up of the contents page and the first layout of a full A3 advertisement spread. The A3 spread is a shoot of the manifesto slogan t-shirt which says "Abomination" across it if you can't make it out. I've also uploaded the original and the final statements of the manifesto. Again these are all mock ups and just to show the general layout and theme/mood of the magazine and I do intend to work further into them so the final outcome of the magazine is very polished and professional.

 Magazine Front Cover Mock Up
 Magazine Contents Page Mock Up
 Magazine A3 Advertisement Spread Mock Up
 Original Manifesto
Manifesto Final Statments

A/W 2012 Collection Line Up Updated!

Sorry it's been a week since the last post but I was on holiday in Gran Canaria! Had an amazing time but now it's time to get the whip cracking again and get myself back on track.

Looking over the last post I realised that the final line up wasn't finished completely! I still had to add the colours of my fabrics to them! So here is the updated final line up in colour along with the colour board and the key garment of the collecton.

 A/W 2012 Collection Final Line Up (Fronts)
 A/W 2012 Collection Final Line Up (Backs)
 A/W 2012 Collection Key Garment
A/W 2012 Collection Colour Board